Perdomo: Tradition that you can taste.
The history of the successful cigar manufacturer Perdomo leads to San Jose de las Lajas, the deepest Cuba. Silvio Perdomo, founder and namesake of the company, started to get acquainted with the cigar business in the 1930's. He worked for several then-very-respected factories in Cuba and enjoyed the best education possible there.
The varied assortment of the Cuban manufacturer presents different editions, which are slightly different in taste nuances - however, all variations have one thing in common: the certain Perdomo taste. The basic character of Nicaraguan tobacco runs through the entire range and is partly responsible for the success of the Cuban manufacturer. Because of their creamy and mild taste they are one of the most popular cigars worldwide. The skilful combination of sweetness and subtle spice fits perfectly into every day life and convinces even non-smokers. Most of the longfillers from Perdomo are Puros, which means that they cover the cover, the binder as well as the insert from Nicaragua.