Discover in our ZEGG Stores in Samnaun Engadin the Gin Mare which tastes completely natural and different. See for yourself.
Aromatic herbs such as rosemary give Gin Mare a woody smell called Pinenes, a key flavor also found in juniper berries; Main ingredient in most gins. Juniper berries contain a different note of herbs and aromas known as beta-myrcene, which is also found in basil and thyme. The sweet Italian basil gives our gin certain aromatic notes of anise, balsamic as cinnamon and camphor. These notes are found to varying degrees in all varieties of basil. While Thai basil contains more anise flavors, African Blue Basil provides more camphor flavor and Cinnamon Basil, as the name implies, adds cinnamon flavors. Finally, the small black olives of Arbequina give their characteristic and tasty element. The fruity notes are complemented by the fragrant aroma of green grass and tomatoes.